viernes, 3 de agosto de 2012

Moulin Rouge-Christian.

Me siento tan identificada con Christian, pero tanto....

-No te debo nada,y no eres nada para mí. Gracias por curarme de mi ridícula obsesión por el amor.

-Nunca supe que pudiera llegar a sentir esto, como si nunca antes hubiera visto el cielo -Christian
¡Siempre con esa ridícula obsesión por el amor! - Padre de Christian. 

Toulouse-Lautrec: Do you believe in beauty?
Christian: Yes.
Doctor: Freedom?
Christian: Yes, of course.
Satie: Truth?
Christian: Yes!
Doctor: Love?
Christian: Love? Above all things I believe in love! Love is like oxygen. Love is a many-splendored thing, love lifts us up where we belong, all you need is love!

Because she doesn't love you!

Christian: Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months. And then, one not-so-very special day, I sat down at my typewriter and wrote our story. A story about a time, a story about a place, a story about the people. But above all these things, a story about love. A love that will live forever. The End. 


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